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Experience the future of AI powered automation.  

Docsya | The software solution by NeuronsOn

Say goodbye to manual document processing and embrace the power of Docsya - the ultimate solution for automating your document management and compliance control.

The true power of AI in your hands.

Docsya is revolutionary software that simplifies your document management process with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and deep learning.

With Docsya, you can easily manage documents from partners, customers, suppliers and more, ensuring compliance and quality control.

Plus, with easy-to-use AI training features, you can tailor Docsya to your specific needs.



Trained professional VS Docsya, carried out in November 2022 for the control of 1000 pages of 4000 characters each.




More precise


Processing performed by humans with an error rate of 10%

20 mins

Input and processing performed by AI with – 2% error

The advantages of Docsya?

Docsya | The software solution by NeuronsOn

Advanced AI Document Management

Docsya is able to manipulate documents, recognize their type and reorder pages based on type, making it easier to classify them by project and ensuring data accuracy.

Automated workflows

With Docsya,  automate your document processing processes to save time and reduce the risk of human error. This can help you improve efficiency and reduce costs, while ensuring your data is accurate and up-to-date.

Simplified compliance check

Docsya can verify compliance with a given industry's standards and regulations, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that all documents meet the necessary requirements.

Flexible and customizable

Docsya is very flexible and customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and requirements. This can help streamline your document processes and ensure you get the most out of the software.

Create your own models and rules, train Docsya.

Obtain and merge data from multiple sources.


Our interface for downloading and processing documents is designed to facilitate and optimize the management of your documents.

Just drag and drop your ffiles and let Docsya do the rest. Our software will quickly process your documents, verify compliance and ensure data accuracy.


You can easily track the progress of your documents in the system and receive notifications when they are ready for review. With Docsya, you can be sure that your documents are in good hands.

Simple but powerful

Our software will quickly process your unstructured documents, verify project completeness, and ensure compliance and data accuracy.

Focused on actionable returns

The user can easily track the progress of their documents through the dashboard and receive notifications when they are ready for review.

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Structured information

and reliable.


Docsya uses advanced document and data recognition and structuring techniques to organize and categorize your documents, allowing you to easily search and retrieve specific information.


Our AI uses an advanced multi-level model to recognize text, images, patterns and extract data from documents, making it easy to quickly and efficiently access and verify reliable information.


With Docsya, you can be confident in the accuracy and validity of your data.

Not a simple OCR

Docsya is powered by much more advanced ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) than conventional OCR. Also, Docsya is enhanced by an advanced linguistic model that allows it to recognize handwritten documents with very high accuracy.

Quick and easy access

Docsya creates your projects on the platform with the correct information, directly from the document, without the need to enter anything, thus avoiding errors or typos.

Docsya's learning tool,
for unlimited possibilities.

Just like you would with a new employee, when you start using Docsya, you need to teach them the job at hand and train them.

Docsya makes this step easy with simple and intuitive tools that let you tell the AI exactly what you want it to do.

The brain

Use this feature to create custom folder templates and teach AI what defines a particular folder using the powerful link key feature. Specify which documents to expect. Show him what they look like with a simple drag and drop.

The eyes

See through the eyes of the AI and show it the key elements ofyour documents by labeling them via our simple interface in just a few clicks.


Explain to the AI the work it needs to do by defining your own control rules based on the key elements of your documents. Our advanced rules and conditions builder offers virtually limitless possibilities, giving you more control over the process.

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